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Samples of Work

(Year 1: April 2018 - February 2019)

These are the musical instruments that my group and I created.

These are the lyrics that my group had come up with for the piggyback song.

Musical Instruments

For the module Creative Arts for Young Childrenmy group and I were tasked to create a musical instrument each using recycled materials. The musical instrument also requires us to incorporate one art technique. On top of that, we are to perform a piggyback song. This means that we are to adapt the rhythm of a song and come up with our own lyrics. We chose the rhythm of "The Wheels on the Bus"

I would incorporate the making of musical instruments in my future classes as it allows children to show their creative skills. This aligns to my teaching philosophy where children are given opportunities to express themselves.



As part of a group assignment for the module, Language Arts in Early Childhood Yearsmy group and I were required to design and create a story-based lapbook. Together, we co-produced four language and literacy activities that are developmentally appropriate for Kindergarten 1 children. ​The lapbook is based on the book titled "These are Animals" by Daniel Egnéus.

Through this assignment, I learnt how to create a lapbook that is child-directed. For example, the activities required should have an element of self-correction. This means that the children will be able to do the activities on their own and check their answers afterwards. There are also other design factors that we have to consider such as the size of the lapbook, the materials used as well as the visual aspects of it. 

Creating a lapbook is something I would like to implement in my future classes as this aligns with my teaching philosophy. Children will be able to work at their own pace. I will also include different activities to cater to the different abilities of the children.

Click to view the lapbook flip through.


This is a poster to promote the graduation ceremony.


I was tasked to create a poster to about a Kindergarten 2 graduation ceremony for the module, IT Applications.

Looking back on this poster, I think I was able to convey the message well through this poster. One thing I am able to improve on this poster would be to include a link next to the QR code. I did not factor in that some parents may have difficulties when scanning the QR code. 

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