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Capstone Project

Click to view our project proposal!

​What is it About?

For our Capstone Project, we decided on the topic, "Healthy Lifestyle in Preschoolers". Our goal is to encourage parents to adopt a healthy lifestyle at home with their children.

Based on the topic, we came up with the following inquiry question: How do parents influence a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers. With this inquiry question in mind, we came up with methods to encourage parents to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

​What Did We Do?

Firstly, we conducted an e-mail interview with a senior early childhood professional to find out more about the needs of the community. 

Secondly, my group and I came up with a booklet to expand parents' knowledge about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle from young. The booklet also included opportunities for parents to be involved in such activities with preschoolers. The booklet is available in four languages - English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil - so as to cater to caregivers who are unable to understand English well. However, we were unable to find someone to help us to translate to Tamil.

Click on the PDFs to view the booklets!




What Did We Do?

Here is our timeline for the project.

​Skills I Have Developed:


  • Due to the COVID-19 situation, we had to find alternative ways to communicate with our community partner. Hence, we use different platforms such as WhatsApp and Outlook to communicate with them. 


  • I learnt how to communicate with our community partner in a professional way. I learnt how to send a professional email to our community partners as well as being responsive to our community partners when they have enquiries.


  • Due to last-minute changes with our community partner, we had to source for another group of community partner within one week. With quick thinking and communication, we were able to find another community partner.

Time Management:

  • For this project, we only had one month to prepare the materials and communicate with our community partner. Hence, we had come up with a timeline so that we will be able to see the deadlines and keep up with the schedule.

Developed Skills

Challenges I Faced:

One challenge we faced was the last-minute changes made by our original community partner in light with the COVID-19 situation. Due to this last-minute change, we had to rush to find a new community partner within one week. We tackled this issue by immediately contacting an alternative community partner. We contacted the alternative community partner through WhatsApp. 

This is our project outcome


Here is an academic poster where we summarised our project.

What Did I Learn?

I learnt how to plan a project to cater to the current situation. Originally we planned to go down to a centre to implement this project. However, we have to adapt materials and make our advocacy materials online.

What Did I Learn?
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